The following code snippet demonstrates how PartitionGraph solves the multitenancy problem. Intra-Partition Electronic Health Records The remainder of this post will demonstrate graph-based multitenancy by means of an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system example using PartitionGraph, the graph traversal/query language Gremlin, and the colorful characters of TinkerPop. The design of PartitionGraph borrows heavily from the Named Graph data architecture popularized by the Web of Data/ Linked Data community.

Moreover, data "cross-fertilization" is possible through appropriately constrained inter-partition linking. In this way, multitenancy is clearly realized, where a partition serves as the location for a single tenant's data. However, edges can link vertices in two separate partitions. PartitionGraph separates the underlying graph into different partitions/buckets. The graph wrapper that enables multitenancy is called PartitionGraph. For example, wrapping a graph implementation with ReadOnlyGraph prevents graph mutations. A graph wrapper takes an existing graph implementation, such as Neo4jGraph, and decorates it with new features. In addition to providing a standard graph interface, Blueprints includes a collection of graph wrappers. Blueprints is supported by various graph databases including TinkerGraph, Neo4j, OrientDB, DEX, and InfiniteGraph. Blueprints is a graph database interface similar to the JDBC of the relational database community. TinkerPop's Blueprints 1.2+ makes it easy to build multitenant, graph-based applications. However, collective statistics can be gleaned from the global data set in order to allow data analysts/scientists to study population-wide health concerns. Patient records in a multitenant electronic health record system can be separated to ensure patient confidentiality.A social network service guarantees user privacy while, in an access control list (ACL) fashion, allows users to share their data with other trusted users (e.g.As such, the public data helps to enhance the usefulness of each company's respective private data. census, market, tax data) is shared amongst and linked to by the various tenant data sets. market strategies or financial information) in a Business Intelligence system is isolated from competitors within the same application. A company's confidential reports (e.g.A few example multitenant applications are itemized below. If no such global operations are required, then a multitenant application would instead be a multi-instance application, where each customer's data is contained in its own isolated silo. global) computations that require the consumption of all customer data (or some subset thereof). While data separation is a crucial aspect of a multitenant application, there may be system-wide (e.g. Typically, that single instance makes use of a shared data set, where a customer's data is properly separated from another's. A multitenant software system is a system that supports any number of customers within a single application instance.